Le Grandiose

Le Grandiose, the longest flight lasting 55 minutes. This unavoidable flight allows to see all the main tourist attractions of Reunion Island from an helicopter.

The three cirques, the “Trou de Fer “, le ” Voile de La Mariée “, Takamaka’s waterfalls, ” La forêt de Bélouve-Bébour, ” Le Piton de la Fournaise “, ” la Rivières des remparts “, the lagoon of Saint-Pierre.

Flight of 55 minutes

Price : Adult 339€ – Child 309€

The Cirques

Each Cirque is protected by a rampart carved by an erosion into a thin greenery’s wall, opening to a grandiose site, bathed by a breathtaking light

The waterfalls

Takamaka is a steep valley covered with lush vegetation, situated in the East of the Island

The volcano

” le Piton de la Fournaise “, which culminate an altitude of 2 632 meters, is the active volcano of Reunion Island

Discover the intense Island


” Le Trou de Fer ” is a huge abyss from a geological depression of Piton des Neiges, in which flows several streams.

This site is inaccessible for general public (only some qualified canyoning praticioners can go ) but a lookout gives a wonderful view of its incredible waterfalls, overflown by our helicopter.


Located on the territory of Salazie town, ” la fôret de Bélouve ” is easily accessible from la Plaine des Palmistes. This spot takes us aback by its density and its vegetations’ variety.


The valley of Takamaka lacerete deeply the East side of the massif of Piton des Neiges. It captures the landscape with its abrupt ramparts, therefore surrounding one of the longest waterfall of the Island, la Rivière des Marsouins.
Extending, with a waterfall scenery, le plateau de Bébour, the valley draine water soaking upstream the mountains forests, rich with a remarkable biodiversity.
The small road leading up to it opens at its terminus on a panorama of great nature, integral part of the heart of the National Park and the World Heritage Property. The omnipresent water is used to produce electricity. It feeds two stations made invisible, by an astonishing underground implantation, imposed by the very hilly relief. It is therefore recommended to be well informed about the weather and the prefectoral decrees, to be equipped for hiking without forgetting water, a cap and a blanket before going there.